Ólafur Egill Egilsson

Ólafur Egill Egilsson

Actor – Writer

Ólafur Egill Egilsson (1977)  has worked with the Reykjavik City Theatre, Akureyri Theatre, National Theatre of Iceland and Vesturport. A versatile actor, Ólafur is also an established writer for theatre and has received several awards and nominations for his work in both fields. His work as a writer includes plays, adaptations, films and television series.

Ólafur has has directed several theatre productions and also worked as a set and costume designer.

Ólafur lives on Bergstaðastræti where everyone is welcome, always.

Ólafur CV on PDF

Contact info:
Ólafur Egill Egilsson
Bergstaðastræti 14
101 Reykjavík
Cell: +354-6954755
Tel: +354-5521666
